Member Publications

Aakhus, M., Ågerfalk, P., & Lennmyr, F. (2018). Digital Innovation as Design of Digital Practice: Doctors as Designers in Healthcare. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (pp. 4594-4601). Manoa, HI.

Avella, Holly (2023). “TikTok≠ therapy”: Mediating mental health and algorithmic mood disorders. New Media & Society: 14614448221147284.

Christin, A., & Petre, C. (2020). Making peace with metrics: Relational work in online news production. Sociologica, 14(2), 133-156.

Connaway, L.S. & Radford, M. L. (2021). Research Methods in Library and Information Science, 7th ed., Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.

Fadem, S., Kim, S., Mikesell, L., Aakhus, M., Strair, R., Manago, J., & McGrath, M. K. (2018). Personalizing Decision Support for AML Patients by Incorporating Experienced Patient Videos About Treatment Outcomes. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 24(3), S309-S310. Elsevier Inc.

Kim, S., Trinidad, B., Mikesell, L., & Aakhus, M. (2020). “Improving Prognosis Communication for Patients facing Complex Medical Treatment: A User-Centered Design Approach”, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 104-147.

Kim, S., Mikesell, L., Fadem, S., and Aakhus, M. (2019). Designing a Personalized Support Tool for Patients facing Bone Marrow Transplant. Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Association Computing Machinery (pp. 41-50). Trento, Italy.

Kitzie, V. L., Connaway, L.S., & Radford, M. L. (In press, August, 2021). "I've Already Googled It, and I Can't Understand It:" User's Perceptions of Virtual Reference and Social Question-Answering Sites. Reference and User Services Quarterly. 59(3).

Lane, J. (2020). A smartphone case method: reimagining social relationships with smartphone data in the US context of Harlem. Journal of Children and Media, 14(4), 407-421.

Lane, J., & Marler, W. (2020). Networked Street Life. In The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Digital Media.

Love, T., & Kim, Y. (2022). Squid Game and the imagining of Afro-Asian connections through Black Twitter memescapes. Communication, Culture, & Critique 15(4), 552-554.

Marler, Will. (2020). "Ethnographic Research with People Experiencing Homelessness in the Digital Age." In E. Hargittai (Ed.), Research Exposed: How Empirical Social Science Gets Done in the Digital Age. Columbia University Press.

Marler, Will. 2021. “‘You Can’t Talk at the Library’: The Leisure Divide and Public Internet Access for People Experiencing Homelessness.” Information, Communication & Society.

Marler, Will. 2022. “‘You Can Connect with Like, the World!’: Social Platforms, Survival Support, and Digital Inequalities for People Experiencing Homelessness.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 27 (1).

Montague, K. E. (2023). What happens next? The ever-dreaded “knock” and mobile access instability for vehicle residents. Mobile Media & Communication, 20501579231202693. 

Petre, C. (2021). All the news that’s fit to click: How metrics are transforming the work of journalists. Princeton University Press.

Radford, M. L., Kitzie, V., Mikitish, S., Floegel, D., Radford, G. P., & Connaway, L. S. (2020). “People are Reading Your Work,” Scholarly Identity and Social Networking Sites. Journal of Documentation 76(6), 1233-1260.

Radford, M.L., Kitzie, V., Mikitish, S., Floegel, D., & Connaway, L.S. (2019). “People need a strategy:” Exploring attitudes of and support roles for scholarly identity work among academic librarians. Proceedings of the Association of College & Research Libraries 2019 conference, Cleveland, OH. Edited by Dawn M. Mueller, pp. 594-605.

Radford, M. L., Radford, G. P., Connaway, L. S. & DeAngelis, J. A., (October, 2011). On virtual face-work: An ethnography of communication approach to a live chat reference interaction. The Library Quarterly 81(4), 431-453.

Rivera, Y. M., Moran, M., Thrul, J., Joshu, C., & Smith, K.C. Capturing engagement with cancer information on Facebook through the social media content and context (SoCo) elicitation method. Journal of Medical Internet Research. (forthcoming). doi:10.2196/25243

Rivera, Y. M., Moran, M., Thrul, J., Joshu, C., & Smith, K.C. (2021). When engagement leads to action: Understanding the impact of cancer (mis)information among Latino Facebook users. Health Communication. (In Press) (

Qualitative Sociology

Special Issue

Digital Ethnography

The special issue features an introduction by guest editors Jeffrey Lane & Jessa Lingel, an afterword by Mario Small, and seven empirical articles that use digital ethnographic methods to answer core sociological questions related to community, culture, urban life, violence, activism, professional identity, health, and sociality.



Digital Ethnography for Sociology: Craft, Rigor, and Creativity

Jeffrey Lane & Jessa Lingel


Diagnosis as Subculture: Subversions of Health and Medical Knowledges in the Orthorexia Recovery Community on Instagram

Amy A. Ross Arguedas

Do I Know You? Managing Offline Interaction in Acquainted Stranger Relationships

Tyler Baldor

Convivial Quarantines: Cultivating Co-presence at a Distance

Nicholas Bascuñan-Wiley, Michaela DeSoucey, & Gary Alan Fine

Exploring Social Media Contexts for Cultivating Connected Learning with Black Youth in Urban Communities: The Case of Dreamer Studio

Jabari M. Evans

Latency and Crisis: Mutual Aid Activism in the Covid-19 Pandemic, Elisabetta Ferrari

Code Ethnography and the Materiality of Power in Internet Governance

Fernanda R. Rosa

How Social Media Use Mitigates Urban Violence: Communication Visibility and Third-Party Intervention Processes in Digital Urban Contexts

Jeffrey Lane & Forrest Stuart


Ethnography Upgraded

Mario L. Small

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